Snow Much Fun and Learning - News & Photos - McDonogh School

News & Photos

Snow Much Fun and Learning

McDonogh’s Lower School is a joyous place to learn and play in any season, but there is something about a good snowfall that adds a little extra magic. Students from prekindergarten squealed with delight as they followed deer tracks through the woods on a hike with their science teacher Craig Whiteford. They weaved their way down a trail that took them over snow-covered logs and bridges until they reached the duck pond which had been frozen over. There they discussed the animals that live in the pond and how they survive the cold winter by hibernating down in the mud.

P.E. is already the highlight of the day for many lower schoolers and the snow makes it that much better. Mary-Catherine Irving’s prefirst class was able to get in a little sledding during P.E. before the snow melted and became too icy. Flying down Chapel hill, the shouts of glee from each prefirster could be heard across campus. The rest of the Lower School enjoyed snowball fights, making snow angels, building snowmen, and warming up next to the fire pit in Mark Village.

Outside of science and P.E., other classes trekked out into the snow just for fun. Posey Valis’ kindergarten class brought out spray bottles filled with colored water to make snow artwork. One student used her feet to make a big heart in the snow in the circle in front of the St. John’s Student Center. It was a fitting symbol considering how much the McDonogh Lower School loves snow.