First Middle School Head on Campus for Ceremony in His Honor - News & Photos - McDonogh School

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First Middle School Head on Campus for Ceremony in His Honor

McDonogh’s first Head of Middle School, Quinton Donald “Q.D.” Thompson, returned to campus on Tuesday, August 18 for a ceremony in his honor. After a luncheon with his family, during which former Headmaster Bob Lamborn was present via Skype, guests gathered outside the Office of the Head of the Middle School in Finney Building for a brief ceremony. Headmaster Charlie Britton spoke about the qualities that made Thompson the ideal candidate to lead the innovative 4-4-4 school structure, in which a Middle School was created to meet the distinct developmental, social, emotional, and physical needs of 10 to 14 year-old boys. He said, “It is no secret, Q.D. ran a tight ship. But everyone was happy. He always kept his office door open and welcomed any student, teacher, or parent who needed a word with him.” After the unveiling of a plaque in his honor, Thompson, who served in the role from 1953-1985, was all smiles as he told the tale of the lengths Bob Lamborn went to convince him to accept the job.