Equity and Inclusion - Parents Association - McDonogh School

Equity and Inclusion


McDonogh School is committed to embracing the values of diversity, equity and inclusion to achieve and maintain standards of excellence. In the Spring of 2021, the McDonogh Parents Association (MPA) bylaws were amended to include the Equity and Inclusion Committee. The bylaws provided that the Equity and Inclusion committee “shall be responsible for providing insight and recommendations, developing strategies, and coordinating and supporting programs and opportunities that ensure that the MPA continues to be inclusive, employ processes that support continuous self-reflection, representative of members from diverse backgrounds, perspectives and abilities. The Equity and Inclusion Committee will work with other MPA committees and the School to ensure that the MPA promotes an environment where there is a sense of respect, fairness and belonging. 

Sharing Traditions

The MPA Equity and Inclusion Committee is compiling a list of cultural and religious holidays and traditions. Please take a few moments to complete this form so that we can provide an opportunity for parents to learn along with and from fellow parents about the celebrations, observances, and traditions that are integral to your family. 

The MPA Equity and Inclusion Committee was created to assist with maintaining McDonogh’s standards of excellence. The purpose of the committee is to provide specialized support to the McDonogh community and enable the development of appropriate skills and cultural competencies in order to further facilitate the continued success of McDonogh students. These essential efforts are aligned with McDonogh’s mission to “do the greatest possible amount of good.”

The Equity and Inclusion Committee comprises more than 60 members of the McDonogh community representing parents, alumni, staff, and faculty, and its work is advanced through three subcommittees: campus climate, parent education, and affinity groups.


Affinity Group discussions are facilitated by parent volunteers who manage the meeting logistics, create a safe and welcoming environment that encourages and supports member participation, navigate difficult conversations in an effort to promote overall group cohesion, maintain and ensure confidentiality, and provide periodic feedback and/or suggestions during scheduled MPA Equity and Inclusion Committee meetings.

Several affinity groups have already been established, including:

  • African Parents - The purpose of this Affinity Group is to bring together parents who have a shared experience as immigrants or children of immigrants from the African continent.
  • Asian Parents - The purpose of this Affinity Group is to serve as a space to bring together and support all Asian parents, including the entire continent of Asia.
  • Black Families @ McDonogh
  • Families with Disabilities and their Allies
  • Jewish Parents 
  • LGBTQIA+ Families
  • Mandarin-Speaking Families 
  • Parents Aspiring to Grow their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Awareness 
  • Parents of Multiracial and Multiethnic Children 

If you have an idea for another parent affinity group, please contact Dr. Angela Watkins at dr.angelawatkins@gmail.com.

If you are interested in joining a parent affinity group, please sign up here!