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Cathy Schorreck Awarded Louis E. Lamborn Master Teaching Chair

Congratulations to Middle School English teacher and Department Head Cathy Schorreck on being awarded The Louis E. "Doc" Lamborn Master Teaching Chair at the February 11 all-school faculty and staff meeting. The Chair was established in 2007 with generous gifts from 13 alumni from the classes of 1943 to 1957 and the France-Merrick Foundation; and it is named for Headmaster Louis E. Lamborn (1925-1952).

Before revealing the winner of the Chair, Headmaster Charlie Britton spoke about Lamborn’s legacy. “During his tenure, he saved McDonogh from financial ruin and transformed this place into a leading independent school,” he recalled. “I believe that Doc's greatest contribution was his philosophy. Doc once said, ‘I believe that the only excuse for an independent school is that the school approaches each student as though he or she were the only student in that institution.’ We continue to reap the benefits of his great leadership,” Britton concluded.

Then, he began describing the characteristics of the Lamborn Chair recipient:

  • She teaches to inspire.
  • She demands attention to detail and rigorous thinking.
  • She is meticulous in her preparation.
  • She combines her love of history with her passion for literature.
  • Her commitment is obvious in her words and her actions.

When Britton said, “This teacher walked into the Middle School in 1992 ready to make a difference in the classroom and on the athletic fields” the audience leapt to their feet with the realization that Cathy Schorreck, the English teacher who prefers a chalkboard over a whiteboard, was the recipient of the award. After their applause died down, Britton continued his remarks enumerating Schorreck’s many accomplishments at McDonogh.

He recounted, “Within the English Department, Cathy has been a mentor, leader, role model, and confidant to her fellow teachers. She also works closely with colleagues in the Upper and Lower divisions to connect the English and reading curriculum. In 1999, Cathy started the eighth grade Leadership program, one of the signature programs in the Middle School.”

After accepting the award, with her family at her side, Schorrreck, who once dreamed about being a singer in a band, spoke about her career at McDonogh. She admitted that, being from a family of teachers, academics was probably her destiny; and she expressed her gratitude to McDonogh for giving her the opportunity to realize her love of teaching.

Schorreck was joined by husband Keith, sons Duncan '16 and Jackson '12, mother Lolly Schorreck, and godfather Byron Forbush and his wife Betsy. Among the alumni donors present for the award was Gideon Stieff '48, whose family foundation is one of the generous benefactors of the “Doc” Lamborn Chair.