Kindergarten Chefs Make Pumpkin Muffins - News & Photos - McDonogh School

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Kindergarten Chefs Make Pumpkin Muffins

During the week of November 7, each kindergarten class went to the barn at Roots Farm and worked with Chef Staley to bake pumpkin muffins using pumpkins they planted in June and harvested in October. First, they removed the seeds and pulp from their pumpkins and then they baked the pulp from which they made fresh pumpkin puree. They carefully added the puree to the rest of their ingredients, mixed it all together, and poured the batter into baking cups. While the muffins were in the oven, they visited Henry and the other turkeys. Before Thanksgiving break, students will share the pumpkin muffins with their grandparents and grandfriends.