McDonogh’s Holiday Assembly is Inside Out - News & Photos - McDonogh School

News & Photos

McDonogh’s Holiday Assembly is Inside Out

Poor Riley! She and her family have just moved to Baltimore from Minnesota and she’s trying hard to adjust to 60-degree weather in December, no ice hockey team, and a school where everyone wears orange and black—it’s enough to turn a girl “Inside Out" (just like the movie!). Luckily, Riley’s emotions (personifications of Joy, Anger, Fear, Disgust, and Sadness) are doing their best to help her cope, while her dean, Mrs. Ottinger, encourages her to engage in school life. Their support, along with fabulous performances by 15 of McDonogh’s instrumental, dance and choral groups, help restore Riley’s holiday spirit and put her back on the road to joy. Conga, anyone?

Watch the fun here.