Celebrating 40 Years of Coeducation at McDonogh - News & Photos - McDonogh School

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Celebrating 40 Years of Coeducation at McDonogh

Female and male graduates and faculty guests celebrated McDonogh's 40th anniversary of coeducation at The Center Club in downtown Baltimore on Friday, December 4. After watching a short documentary commemorating the occasion, guests heard an insider's perspective on the transition from former Headmaster Dr. Bill Mules '59 who was the Academic Dean and Head of the Upper School at the time. Additionally, H. Stacey Boyer '76, the first female to apply, be accepted to, and graduate from McDonogh, offered her reflections on the impact her McDonogh education had on the rest of her life. 
Faculty members Dave Harley, Laddie Levy, and Peggy Warner, who were teaching at McDonogh the year females were admitted, were in attendance at the luncheon, as were others who began teaching in the early days of coeducation: Ane Lintvedt, Bob Mahon, Patrice Preston, and Rob Smoot.